I walked into the classroom and as soon as i sat on my chair, my professor make me stand again. He showed my assignment to the whole class and insulted me more than i expected. Although my work was better than most of the students but i was extremely hated by him and i still cant figure out the reason. He gave me a huge lecture and commented that my attitude stinks. I was very liked by all the other teachers but this 5”5 inches man hated me. You all will correlate with this story at some point in your study life.
There is at least one rude and ruthless professor who dislike you without any reason. You will hesitate and in fact hate to come in his lecture. Whenever you come, an endless episode of insult starts. It will damage not only your mind but your grades will also be effected. So to get good grades in the finals you have to deal with this situation instead of getting frustrated. Following are some easy ways to deal with your rude teacher:

Find out the Problem
Sometimes its not the teacher who is being mean in fact you make them hate you unknowingly. So first of all try to figure out the real cause of their rude behavior. May be you are excessively loud in the class often or they have seen you making some mischief. Evaluate the problem and then find the solution. There is always something big or small that has irritated them.

Avoid Prolong Contact
Avoid having unnecessary contact with him. Literally run away from him as soon as possible. Don’t try to do prolong conversations with him just to be nice when he has made it clear that he hates you. When you become sure that you are not causing any trouble in class and he is still mad at you then your talk will not make him better. If the professor talk to you, answer briefly.

Be Polite
Although you are sick of your teacher’s rudeness, still reply in a polite manner. Never answer his questions in an angry attitude because in this way he will find your one mistake and will sue you for this. So always stay polite and humble in front of him and never give him a chance to insult you. Also avoid giving extra information while answering.

Avoid Talking Back
No matter how much you want to reply your teacher in the same insulting tone but trust me, don’t do it. It will only give you some timely satisfaction and giggling of your friends but you will get in a big trouble. The more you talk back to him, the more he will insult you. So be polite at that time and if you have something to say, discuss with him after the class in private.

Improve Yourself
You should also try your best to improve your behavior. Be in the class on time. Don’t talk to your friends during lectures. Listen to your teacher carefully and take notes. Participate in the class and answer as much questions as possible so he may know that you are trying to improve yourself. Also never make fun of him anywhere. Ask him for extra help after the class too.

Don’t try too Hard
Don’t suck up too much. Avoid hovering on your mean teacher instead keep it natural. Don’t compliment or contact him more than normal. If you start behaving like this, he will actually hate you more. So mind your own business and just focus on improving yourself. Otherwise he will start thinking that you are doing this for good grades.

Report to an Administrator
If all your efforts, your teacher is still rude to you and keep on insulting in class then you should report this issue to an administrator. Explain to them that the persistent ruthless behavior of your teacher has disturbed you and you are not able to concentrate on studies anymore. The administrator will then act accordingly and your problem will be solved.

Notify your Parents
You should also inform your parents because the admin will like to talk to them too. So explain all the events to them how you are being insulted without your mistake. They will definitely understand your misery and admin will be forced to take an action after meeting with your parents.

Leave the Class
If nothing is going right and no method worked than you should do the last thing. Just leave the class and continue taking some other teacher’s class. But this should be your last option and you should try to adopt the other methods first.
Just remember that you are responsible for your behavior only and what other do has nothing to do with you. So only improve yourself and your behavior. Try to be on the good side of the teacher.